A Quick and Dirty Guide to Digital Storytelling
Title: A Quick and Dirty Guide to Digital StorytellingAuthor, co-author: Camarda, Sandra
View ArticleVideogames as HiStorytelling: Exploring the Potential of Historical...
Title: Videogames as HiStorytelling: Exploring the Potential of Historical LudonarrativesAuthor, co-author: Camarda, Sandra
View ArticleCemeteries and crematoria, forgotten public space in multicultural Europe. An...
Title: Cemeteries and crematoria, forgotten public space in multicultural Europe. An agenda for inclusion and citizenshipAuthor, co-author: Maddrell, Avril; Beebeejaun, Yasminah; Wingren, Carola; Kmec,...
View ArticleTranscription, Indexing and Analysis in Oral History
Title: Transcription, Indexing and Analysis in Oral HistoryAuthor, co-author: Ganschow, InnaAbstract: While TV-interviews are recorded for an already written documentary film script, interviews for the...
View ArticleLuxembourg Economy
Title: Luxembourg EconomyAuthor, co-author: Danescu, ElenaAbstract: Situated in the centre of Europe and bordered by two major powers, France and Germany, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has always...
View ArticleTranskultureller Theaterschauplatz: Grenzen und die Odyssee Fliehender –...
Title: Transkultureller Theaterschauplatz: Grenzen und die Odyssee Fliehender – Interdisziplinäre Überlegungen Editor: Heinicke, Julius; Nonoa, Koku GnatulomaAbstract: Der vorliegende Sammelband...
View ArticleWhat if data protection embraced foresight and speculative design?
Title: What if data protection embraced foresight and speculative design?Author, co-author: Rossi, Arianna; Chatellier, Regis; Leucci, Stefano; Ducato, Rossana; Hary, EstelleAbstract: Due to rapid...
View ArticleFeedback to the Guidelines 3/2022 on “Dark patterns in social media platform...
Title: Feedback to the Guidelines 3/2022 on “Dark patterns in social media platform interfaces: How to recognise and avoid them” Author, co-author: Botes, Wilhelmina Maria; Carli, Rachele; Rossi,...
View ArticleDecentralized Autonomous Organizations and the Decentralization of Justice
Title: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and the Decentralization of JusticeAuthor, co-author: Becker, Katrin
View ArticleB/Orders are (not) everywhere (for everyone): On the multivalence of borders...
Title: B/Orders are (not) everywhere (for everyone): On the multivalence of borders in a flee(t)ing Europe | Zur Multivalenz von Grenzen in einem flüchtigen Europa Editor: Wille, Christian; Weber,...
View ArticleCovidfencing as a Contested Borderization: Empirical Insights and Conceptual...
Title: Covidfencing as a Contested Borderization: Empirical Insights and Conceptual ConsiderationsAuthor, co-author: Wille, Christian
View ArticleWas haben mein Tofu-Burger und mein Rindersteak mit dem Klima zu tun?
Title: Was haben mein Tofu-Burger und mein Rindersteak mit dem Klima zu tun?Author, co-author: Reckinger, RachelAbstract: In diesem Vortrag werden zunächst die Zusammenhänge zwischen Klima und...
View ArticleExploring Priorities of a Food Policy Council for Luxembourg: Empirical...
Title: Exploring Priorities of a Food Policy Council for Luxembourg: Empirical Results of Two Surveys Conducted with Citizens and Food System ProfessionalsAuthor, co-author: Reckinger, Rachel
View ArticleKiss the Ground. Screening followed by a discussion with Philippe Nathan...
Title: Kiss the Ground. Screening followed by a discussion with Philippe Nathan (2001) + Rachel Reckinger (University of Luxembourg)Author, co-author: Reckinger, Rachel
View ArticlePriorities of a Food Policy Council for Luxembourg towards a Just,...
Title: Priorities of a Food Policy Council for Luxembourg towards a Just, Diversified and Sustainable Food System: Surveys with Citizens and Food System ProfessionalsAuthor, co-author: Reckinger, Rachel
View ArticleQu’est-ce que des réseaux d’acteurs basés sur des valeurs communes et la...
Title: Qu’est-ce que des réseaux d’acteurs basés sur des valeurs communes et la territorialité peuvent apporter pour une alimentation durable? Author, co-author: Reckinger, Rachel
View ArticleGoodness Groceries! A mobile sustainable food shopping app advocating for...
Title: Goodness Groceries! A mobile sustainable food shopping app advocating for food literacy and ethical choices. Entailments for suppliers, consumers and researchers.Author, co-author: Reckinger,...
View ArticleThe environmental impact of our food
Title: The environmental impact of our foodAuthor, co-author: Igos, Elorri; Reckinger, Rachel
View ArticleRoundtable : (Digital) Cultural Heritage at risk. Lessons learned for future...
Title: Roundtable : (Digital) Cultural Heritage at risk. Lessons learned for future preservation strategiesAuthor, co-author: Schafer, ValerieAbstract: www.c2dh.uni.lu The Russian invasion of Ukraine...
View ArticleRenate Brosch and Kylie Crane, eds. Visualising Australia: Images, Icons,...
Title: Renate Brosch and Kylie Crane, eds. Visualising Australia: Images, Icons, Imaginations.Author, co-author: Steveker, Lena
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