Title: Transparency by Design in Data-Informed Research: a Collection of Information Design Patterns
Author, co-author: Rossi, Arianna; Lenzini, Gabriele
Abstract: Oftentimes information disclosures describing personal data-gathering research activities are so poorly designed that participants fail to be informed and blindly agree to the terms, without grasping the rights they can exercise and the risks derived from their cooperation. To respond to the challenge, this article presents a series of operational strategies for transparent communication in line with legal-ethical requirements. These "transparency-enhancing design patterns" can be implemented by data controllers/researchers to maximize the clarity, navigability, and noticeability of the information provided and ultimately empower data subjects/research subjects to appreciate and determine the permissible use of their data.
Author, co-author: Rossi, Arianna; Lenzini, Gabriele
Abstract: Oftentimes information disclosures describing personal data-gathering research activities are so poorly designed that participants fail to be informed and blindly agree to the terms, without grasping the rights they can exercise and the risks derived from their cooperation. To respond to the challenge, this article presents a series of operational strategies for transparent communication in line with legal-ethical requirements. These "transparency-enhancing design patterns" can be implemented by data controllers/researchers to maximize the clarity, navigability, and noticeability of the information provided and ultimately empower data subjects/research subjects to appreciate and determine the permissible use of their data.