Title: Approaches to the Border between Diffusion and Fortification
Author, co-author: Wille, Christian
Abstract: Borders are increasingly at the center of social debate. The resurgence of borders manifests itself in a paradoxical way: For while border walls are once again being built and border facilities are being expanded, regulatory and control practices are increasingly fragmented and invisible in transterritorial terms. These developments point to the need to rethink the concept of borders, which is still unquestioned in many places. For this purpose, selected approaches are presented in an overview.
Author, co-author: Wille, Christian
Abstract: Borders are increasingly at the center of social debate. The resurgence of borders manifests itself in a paradoxical way: For while border walls are once again being built and border facilities are being expanded, regulatory and control practices are increasingly fragmented and invisible in transterritorial terms. These developments point to the need to rethink the concept of borders, which is still unquestioned in many places. For this purpose, selected approaches are presented in an overview.